Estimating the Possibility of Ground Target Monitoring by Optical Imaging Satellites


Estimating the possibility of ground targets monitoring by imaging satellites is of the most challenging concerns in passive defense. In this research, two-line elements (TLE) data and SGP4 method which considers orbital perturbations have been used for modelling the orbits of low-altitude satellites in a specific period of time. The ability of SPG4 model for ground targets monitoring has been evaluated by using TLE data for estimating the accuracy of satellites’ position prediction in the next days. The ability of SPG4 for ground targets monitoring is appraised as well. Furthermore, a method has been proposed for estimating the possibility of ground targets monitoring based on based on the view geometry of optical imagery satellites in ordinary and critical situations and in-polygon algorithm. The proposed method has been presented as a MATLAB toolbox. For illustrating the applications of this toolbox, an investigation case study for three satellites EROS B, IKONOS, and SPOT 5 has been carried out as a case study, and then the results had been analyzed by using parameters such as range, angle of elevation and azimuth angles of target point from satellites.
