Hyperspectral Imagery and CC&D Considerations Against its Threats


Abstract The recent advances in hyperspectral remote sensing technology have provided a very good source of information for reconnaissance purposes. This is because of high spatial and spectral resolutions of airborne hyperspectral imaging sensors, and also the use of spectral signature of phenomena and objects for identification of military targets. In this paper, the ability of hyperspectral imagery for detection of targets is investigated by providing two important analyses including anomaly detection and target recognition. Besides, in a case study, this ability is evaluated practically by performing the algorithms on a real hyperspectral image from the HyMap sensor. Afterwards, two criteria are presented for evaluation and control of hyperspectral camouflage and deception techniques. Finally, assuming consideration of the indirect measures of passive defence, the essential considerations of CC&D (Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception) measures are presented against the threats of hyperspectral imagery.
