Increasing the Resilience of Telecommunication Sites by Intelligent Control of the Optimized Solar Generators under Variable Temperature and Radiation Conditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral Student of Islamic Azad University Khomein Central Branch of Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch - Faculty of Engineering


Solar generators have many applications in the field of modern defense systems. An important and fundamental application of this type of generator is to provide sustainable energy for telecommunication sites as well as increase their resilience during various accidents and crises.  The use of optimal and controlled solar generators under variable environmental conditions in order to increase the resilience of telecommunication sites is one of the main objectives of this research. Therefore, under variable temperature and radiation conditions the maximum power point characteristic of the solar generator is tracked and controlled with the aim of increasing efficiency. In this research, the dynamic programming method (DPM) is used by combining the perturbation and observation (P&O) algorithm and the famous Newton-Raphson numerical algorithm. The analysis is performed by the dynamic programming method, based on the data obtained from the measurement under variable temperature and radiation conditions, and then an intelligent decision is made. The efficiency obtained in this article has been compared with the other research works and shown to be the highest. Quantities and parameters have been obtained through both MATLAB simulations and practical measurements, and presented in the form of figures and tables. The percentage of relative error in tracking the maximum power point characteristic of the solar generator is very small.


Smiley face

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Volume 13, Issue 2 - Serial Number 48
October 2022
Pages 101-112
  • Receive Date: 06 April 2022
  • Revise Date: 01 August 2022
  • Accept Date: 11 August 2022
  • Publish Date: 22 September 2022