Scientific Journal of Advanced Defense Science and Technology 

"Advanced Defense Science and Technology" Journal, based on the regulation of scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, in the assessment of 1401 (2023) has been ranked "B".
According to the latest review and ranking of the country's scientific journals in the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC), the scientific journal of Advanced Defense Science and Technology has been ranked Q1 in terms of quality.
"Advanced Defense Science and Technology" is a scientific quarterly of the Faculty and Research Institute of Basic Sciences of Imam Hossein University (AS), which has a scientific degree after obtaining a license from the Scientific journal Commission of the country under the supervision of the Policy and Planning Office of Research Affairs of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.has a scientific-research degree.The Review of the articles in this journal is Double anonymous, and the journal of the accepted articles is free and open access. The purpose of publishing this magazine is to publish the latest achievements of researchers in the field of issues related to Advanced Defense Science and Technology in order to expand the frontier of knowledge and technology in these issues. In this regard, all researchers, thinkers and innovators are invited to prepare their original research articles in Persian language (with English abstract) and send them online through the special system of the journal website.
  • Credit of thejournal: Scientific-Research
  • Type of articles to be published: Research, Promotion and review
  • Country of journal: Iran
  • Publisher: Imam Hussein University
  • Initial review time: 1 week Maximum
  • journal status: Print and Electronic
  • journal sequence: Quarterly
  • Journal language: Persian (English abstract)
  • Specialized field: Advanced Defense Science and Technology
  • Type of peer-review: Closed arbitration (double blind) Peer Review and 2 Reviewer
  • Average time for judging articles: 1 to 2 Months approximately
  • Manual of style of the journal: IEEE
  • Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
  • The Cost of reviewing and publishing the article: Free
  • Article Processing, Publishing and judging Charges: Free for review process and journal
  • Status of access to the full text of articles: Open access and free download
  • Type of License: CC- BY
  • Type of Access: Open Access (OA)
  • journal email:

    *Important points that authors should note:

    1. It is necessary for the authors to use the journal format when submitting the article.
    2. It is necessary to complete and sign the commitment letter and conflict of interest form by the responsible author and then upload it to the journal system when submitting.
    3. In order to prevent plagiarism, this Journal uses the Matching system (Samim Noor or Irandak system) at the time of submitting the article. (Link to the guide to the plagiarism detetor system)
    4. Respecting the rules of ethics in journal, this Journal is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in journal (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and combating fraud in Scientific Works.
    5. Complete the authors profile form completely.


Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 3 - Serial Number 53, November 2023 

Original Article

Classification of Hybrid EEG-fNIRS Signals using Reduced Deep Features for BCI Applications

Pages 141-151

Akbar Asgharzadeh-Bonab; Amir Hatamian; mehdi URIA

Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems Using Ensemble Learning Algorithms

Pages 165-178

Amin Safari; Zahra Bahari Lashkari; Meysam Shahriyari

Original Article

Structural and Geotechnical Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Pile Under Blast Load Using Numerical Modeling

Pages 211-221

mohammad JAVAD Parmas; mahdi Khodaparast; Hosein Moghtadae

Keywords Cloud

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